
Building Officials Association of BC

Success is almost totally dependent upon desire, drive and dedication – it is also about persistence. The extra and continuous energy required to make another effort or try another approach are built into the secret ingredients of success – and it is essential to their own success that building and plumbing officials adopt and carry a winning attitude at all times. It logically follows that in order to win for both the shorter and longer terms in today’s marketplace, qualified building & plumbing officials must protect, preserve and enhance their own interests together with those of contractors, consumers, municipalities and the Province - and they must do this in close collaboration with the other key players in the building community – those others with whom building officials interact and affect. Building & plumbing officials, architects, engineers, plumbers, electricians and builders and other professionals together must give consumers what they need – and what they want and deserve. And at the end of the day, this must all be done through the professionalism of building and plumbing officials – because true professionalism is the key to mutual success.

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